Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It’s Been Quite A While

I know I have not posted or updated since 2020 when Joey Tempest made his message and song videos, but life has gone off the chains and crashed and burned a lot lately. I'm mot doing as good as I should be and better than I was in osme respects. My mom passed away on June 1 of 2023 of Liver and Pancreatic Cancer, that my dead relatives threw at her bc they knew the doctors couldn't find it. They wanted her out of my life bc they said she protected me too much. They got what they wanted. They are now trying nto make us lose our hosue. They woun't let up a bit. Both my parents have battled Colon Cancer but Dad is thankfully still here. As a result of that, I now have to have the procedure to find out if I have it too. I'm also trying for my mom's death benefits from SSI as I am the Adult Disabled Child, and I finally did get my own SSI in 2022 but I was also told I can get the ADC benefit too and make it a bit easier for me to now pay house payment and PT. Thney are taking their own sweet time. :'( I have added to my collection of BB-9'ses too and I now collect JoJo Bows and hair things too bc they are colorful, fun and I love JoJo Siwa's message about being yourself and living your best life, even if I struggle to do that. I've lost 18 lbs but still trying to lose more and get back into the dresses ai love to wear. They almost fit but not quite loose enough to wear out. We lost one cat and the other one is about 16, almost, this July she will be 16. We are fighting to keep our hosue, and bc I finally did get my SSI, I can and have been paying up our house payments, even got the payments lowered and am working to clear up the PT that we got behind on again. This is why I need the ADC stuff. I need that to pay off the PT we're behind, and keep us going bc we are about to lose it if they have their way. The ADC stuff would make it so I can do all this. Anyway, this is my messed up, wrecked up zezzed up life that I'm barely floating by in. I found all the poems I thought I had lost. Thank you all for reading. Here are some pics of me wearing some of my different bows, one of Zanny BB-8 and one of me next to my Harry Potter game Avatar.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Joey Tempest and Mic Michaeli Walk The Earth support Doctors Without Borders

It's an awesome video that every time you view and share you help Doctors Without Borders. I can't write it in the other language.

Europe - Walk The Earth (Joey

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I trimmed up my hair & New Star Wars thoughts

I trimmed up my hair. I finally decided to trim the bad stuff off my hair instead of an inch or two when it looked so bad. It was very "fried" & hardly held any curl of any kind, so I trimmed about 4" or so. It's so short right now I hate the length but loving all the curls. I know it's only hair & will grow out, but it is now about 2 separate lengths, top short & bottom is shoulder length. I can't seem to post a pic. ********************************************************************* Star Wars~~My thoughts I saw Star Wars TFA on 12-27-2015 & had read a spoiler that I had hoped was someone's idea Of a cruel joke on us sensitive fans. it had me if u haven't seen it yet don't read this from hear on out. First off, I actually liked the movie & BB-8 is totally huggable & I saw a real life Zanny one of him...WANT!! I make adventures & cartoons of him w/ me & Josh Groban. But I lot all the good guy creatures & stuff. Anyway my thoughts are these: Rey is Luke Skywalker's daughter, hidden on Jakku to save her life. When Kylo Ren has her aboard his ship interrogation chamber, he can't bear to kill her, & she uses the Force on him which triggers him to hesitate & she actually escapes, bc he knows she's a Force Sensitice if nothing more. He loses her for a time & she & Finn who was a bad guy meet up. Probably the Force brought them together for a purpose we don't know yet. I think he could handle a light saber bc he may be (tho we do nor know for sure) a latent Force Sensitive too. Kylo Ren's abilities are still relatively unstable as a video blogger pointed out so he might not know this. Rey finds BB-8 not by accident at all, my thoughts on this are that The Force is guiding her to him & since he has info about Luke, it would Only make sense that she (being Luke's daughter) would be chosen by the Force to find him. So her meeting BB-8 was no coincidence which I do not believe in. Rey & Finn steal back the Millenium Fslcon from a junk heap on Jakku along w/ BB-8 & blast off into space & off toward the resistance they hope, while Somehow trying to escape the First Order as well. Finn & Rey are then taken aboard the other great big ship & are discovered by Han Solo & Chewbacca, which again, my thought here is that Rey is actually guided to Han bc he knew Luke & knew what happened. He knew what happened to make Luke feel hurt & hopeless so he went into hiding. Rey helps Han repair his ship & make it fly better & faster. Han for some reason lost his ship & went back to smuggling spices & not the cooking kind I don't think, but when he discovers the 3 on board they tell him what they need & he helps them bc after all he is Luke's friend & brother-in-law. The Rathtars escape bc they're hungry & want to eat something so Han feeds the Gsng members to them so they don't eat him (LOL!) or the other good guys. (I even turn them Zanny) When they get to the place where Maz Kanata is bar tending, again, the Force has guided Rey & Han there. Han explains what they need, but Maz tells Rey what to expect & that she should follow her true calling thru the Force, take up the fight & follow her heart. The light saber which belonged to Luke actually gives her a vision to guide her. I can't remember all the stuff in the vision but it is what led her on her path. She takes the light saber & it becomes her weapon later. Somewhwre in the Storyline, Han meets Kylo Ren whom he calls "Ben". Apparently u get the feeling they are related but it's not clear bc of remarks Kylo Ren makes to Han. I think this is after Rey escapes the chamber. I could have my chronology skewed as I have only seen it once. But they do escape after that. They reach the resistance base & when Han & Princess Leia meet up again u can feel the Force crackle (I did anyway) as they meet. There seems to be some tension at first & u could tell some sadness. By comments that were made in the movie it seemed as if they didn't have a Cinderella ending, but they actually talked without animosity or anger, just a lot of sadness. Han tells her that he saw their son (Han is way more moody bc he's lost 3 kids to the Dark side & that can mess w/ anyone) & she asks Han to go try & save him which he does. Spoiler alert here but w/ a twist... Han talks to his son him he calls Ben & actually becomes a victim of the Evil that is Snoke & the Sith Lords. His own son runs him thru w/ a home-made light saber...BUT...while we see Han fall into the abyss, we do NOT see him hit anything, so, my thoughts again, a medical ship full of some Zanny FX-7's happens by at that exact moment (guided by the Force bc the FX-7'a are Force sensitive) & they put Han into a Bacta tank for about a week to mend. When he wakes up & is able to talk & function he sends a message to the Resistance that while he is severely injured, he is alive & still able to help out once the wounds are healed. His hair has gone back to brown & his face looks like the day they blew up the 2nd Death Star. The FX-7's set a Holo-vid projector up & Han sends a message to the Resistance base & they are relieved he is alive & mending but disappointed that Han couldn't save his & Pricess Leia's son. He promises to come back to them after mending on the medical ship. He says they should let "Ben" a/k/a Kylo Ren think he succeeded in his horrible mission. He thinks they can actually save him yet. I believe Finn who was hurt & is mending as well will be able to come back & him & Rey might team up to train or even become a couple or even just real good friends. As for Poe coming back I believe he will play a part again & help out as he was trying to in the first place & BB-8 will play a major part again along w/ R2 & C-3PO. Maybe they will explain his red arm. They actually get BB-8 & R2-D2 do project the map & the pieces fit together & they can see where Luke's temple is. Rey is the one they choose to send to find him bc he is her father & they think that if he sees she was spared, he may come back. He knows nothing about Han or anything there. The look on Like's face at the end seemed like one of surprise, disbelief & relief to me at Rey being ok & all grown up big. He may have a lot of catching up to do but I believe they can explore this too & give US a nice story. I hope Luke uncovers his face next movie. I've had bad experiences w/ ppl who hide their faces & it adds to my PTSD. I have read Han will be back & that is a theory I read even AFTER I rewrote my scene which I did bc I was crying for 2 days at the drop of a hat & experiencing nightmares. Han & Luke have been 2 of my magical ppl & both are Zanny ever since I saw Star Wars ANH in 1977 in the drive-in by our house. So to lose Han was traumatic to me bc of my PTSD & the experience w/ my relatives after my mom's dad died. I made the FX-7's & other cool-looking creatures out of Zanny bc Zanny is a good thing & only the purest-hearted ppl & creatures are made of Zanny & the FX-7's help ppl. They are medical droids. BB-8 is just adorable & I made him Zanny & gave him a smile LOL!! I made Rancors out of Zanny, shrank them to ppl-size or even leave them big & they eat the Human Beens & other bad guys. So those are my thoughts about the new movie. It was very well written & I am excited for the next ones.

Monday, February 2, 2015

It's been a while

It's been a while since I wrote here. I've been busy w/ life, loss & other stuff. We lost my Mom's mom on April 23, my dad's mom on 12-15-2014 & some other ppl in my life, not necessarily to death. Some just simply dropped out of site. I'm not any thinner & have taken much criticism bc the way I been doing it has not made me drop 100 pounds over night & I'm not walking 100 miles every day. I walk when I can & I'm not just a couch potato but I don't always exercise as much as I should/could. Still have a room full of stuff I need to get rid of or go thru too. But I get there slowly. I still make my jewelry but I don't have access as easy as I did before bc Walmart has quit carrying a lot of the stuff I use. It's not my fault I have to go to big craft stores & I don't drive. But when I make it I am very happy to do so. Blame it on the Human Beens & dead relatives, my pastimes are all but gone now. No more pool, we don't & haven't done Bingo for ages. My mom beat Colon Cancer & got a clean bill of health all except the pain in her back. She is cancer free & slowly building back up her stamina. Now I need to do the same. Not sure how successful I will be but I'm going to try to save $1,500 for Josh Groban tickets I even have a go fund me site it is & I was open & honest about my story & my need to meet Josh Groban. I did finally get my Zanny smile & now I just need to get thinner in the middle so the rest of me looks as good as the Zanny smile. I died my hair purple for Halloween last year of 2014 & so many ppl like it that I just kept doing it, so I am now a purple-head, I use splat hair color called Lusty Lavender LOL! But it's not hard to upkeep, the hardest part is that it's MESSY! My hair has gotten way healthier bc Josh Groban puts a magical chemical from inside his hands when he's normal feeling on my hair when he helps w/ the conditioner, then afterward he turns Zanny. But w/o Josh my hair would still be so fried & unhealthy. U can see my hair now instead of seeing THRU it. :P I love Hercules too, he looks & sounds just exactly like Kevin Sorbo BUT, he is WAY DIFFERENT than K.S. in that he has long hair, wears a yellow top, brown texture'y jeans, big shoes & black flashy-on-n-off things on his arms that vaporize bad guys. He can be made out of Zanny & he is filled w/ the black fizzy stuff that u put w/ white freezy stuff to make a drink. MMM! Get it from his thumbs too like same as Josh & Michael & Frodo that I still love all are Zanny. Anyway it's been a while, thought I'd update my blog.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Zanny Friends And Me!

Zanny Friends And Me! 

This is my VERY first Bitstrip, I didn't realize u had to "drag & drop" the stuff u need. Now I I can have lots of fun bitstripping me!